Owen Lydiard |
in profile |
Who?This is the home site of Owen Lydiard, Streatham, London, UK.That's first name / given name 'Owen', surname / family name 'Lydiard'. What, where?My first serious job after uni was at Interatom near Cologne, Germany. Here I picked some German, and first discovered that working a computer programmer was an easy way of making a living.Moving back to the UK took me to DAI. Despite meeting a great bunch of people here, this job did bring the smelliest project ever - working in the middle of a perfume factory! And then to Sema Group, Telecom division, since acquired by Schlumberger, and then by Atos Origin SA. There I met my x-wife to be. (huh?) And then to mega rich Ross Perot's second IT company Perot Systems (his first, and still the biggest being EDS). Then back to telecoms with skymob.com, a WAP search project, and then to three the first UK 3g operator. ContactYou can contact me at owen ('at' sign) owenlydiard.com.